Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Life-Empowering, Regenerative World where we All Thrive.
A Home of: Birth 2012 Boston

HomeMissionBackgroundAbout UsCalendarPeace RoomEvolutionary Hubs 
Articles/InspirationsResourcesDonationsBirth 2012 BostonContact Us

We invite all to share what you believe belongs in the Peace Room, particularly in (but not limited to) the Greater Boston area and Massachusetts and greater New England regions. 

We also invite you to:
- share your ideas on what is working
- share what your visions are to make the world a better place
- create collaborations
- form evolutionary hubs 

Please contact us


A Thread of Hope

Affinity Arts

Aid Through Trade

Alice in Wonderland's Teatray

Amber Chand

Andy Goldsworthy

Arlington Center for the Arts

Artisans Asylum

Artisans at Heart

Artists for Humanity


Arts Boston



Arts Sector facebook page

Awakening Arts

Awaken Visions


Barnet Bain

Blissful Music

Boston Minstrel Company

Boston Yoga and Chant Fest

Bread and Puppet

Brick Bottom Artists Association

Bright Hawk Productions

Call and Response Foundation

Cambridge Arts Council

Carolina Arevalo

Cathy Bolton

Christine Tulis


Colors in Motion 
Collaborations and Resources
Flags of One Family
Linda DeHart

Color Scape Studio

COSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors


Cultural Survival Bazaar

Dance Complex

Dance Friday

Dance New England

Dances of Universal Peace

Dances of Universal Peace North America

Daniel Nahmod

David Whyte

Dayashila Carrie Grossman

Drum Connection

Earth Drum Council

Earth Guardians

Earth Sanctuary



Emerson Umbrella

Eureka Ensemble

Faith Rivera

Family Folk Chorale

Feathers and Folktales

5 Rhythms


Follow Your Art

Full Circle Arts


George Hendricks Sculpture

Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment

Global Site Performance

Global Water Dances

Goddess Chant

Good Harvest

Gravity Glue

Hailey McAvoy

Halalisa Singers

Hang Music

Hawthorne Valley Association

Heartbeat Collective

Inside Out

Illuminus Boston

Inanna Sisters in Rhythm

International Association for Voice Movement Therapy

International Museum of Women

Iseeu Theater

Jack Fowler

Jacobs Pillow Dance

John Genyo Sprague

Jonna Jinton

Joshua Hummel

Joshua Levin

Kaeza Fearn

Kinshasa Symphony



Landfill Harmonic

Lao Textiles

Lets Dance

Lisa Firestone

Lori Kirstein Communications

Lucidity Festival

Luisah Teish

Mahalo Art Center


Margaux Skalecki

Mariposa Museum

Martin Prechtel

Mary Reynolds Thompson

Matsiko World Orphan Choir


Massachusetts Cultural Council

Mass Yoga Network

Melissa Harris

Message Rain 

Mga Kwento

Miranda's Hearth

Morning Earth

Mother Turtle

Mountain View Studio

Music for Deep Meditation

Music Together

Musicians for World Harmony


My Modern Met

Mystic Chorale

Nakashima Foundation

Nature Culture

Odaiko New England

Old Frog Pond Farm

One Dome

One Voice Children's Choir

Open Mic America

Orchestra for the Earth

Paul Gene

Peace Films Inc

Peace Fleece

Peace Production

Peace Tree Apparel

Peoples Music Network


Pinecones and Needles

Playing for Change

Radical Grandma Collective

RavenWood Forest Arts

Red Wind Councils Maya Crafts

Renee Fleming


Reverb Nation

Rickie Byars Beckwith

Ritual Expressions - Katja Esser

Ritual Expressions Events

Sacred Alchemy

Sacred Home

Sacred Waves of Rhythm



Shakti Mata

Shaman Smith

Sharing a New Song

Shunyam Productions

Skyloom Sacred Dancers 
​Member of the Sacred Dance Guild

Sloat Shaw

Society for Universal Sacred Music

Spiral Salaam

Spirit Wind

Spontaneous Celebrations

Storm King Art Center

Story Center

Tessera Method

The Artist's Way

The Center for Sacred Theatre

The Dark Mountain Project

The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

Theater of War Productions

Tiger Lion Arts

Thompson Art Studio

Tom Lena Music

Traveling Postcards

True Story Theater

Turning Point Gallery

U Day Festival

Unbound Visual Arts

Unifier Festival

United Palace

Village Music Circles


Voice Movement Therapy

Wake Up! Works

Weaves of Cambodia

Windborne Singers

Wisdom of the World

Women In Music

Women's Peace Collection

Word Renewal

Words 2 Evolve

Youth Music Project
PEACE ROOM - Arts Sector

The Intention of the Peace Room is to track, map, and connect what is working, evolutionary, and emergent in the world - within the hub and twelve sectors of the Wheel of Co-creation , namely Infrastructure/Design, Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Arts, Economics, Education, Environment, Governance, Health that could help evolve ourselves, our greater communities, the world at large, and the emergent global culture of peace.

Scroll down for an ever-developing list of what is working and emergent in the 
Arts Sector. Go to the Peace Room page for lists of what is working and emergent in the hub and all twelve sectors.

Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard

The Peace Room "could scan for, map, connect, and communicate social innovations - 
that which is emerging, that which is creative, sustainable, compassionate, 
that which opens a greater possibility for humanity in every field." - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard
"We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace." - THE EARTH CHARTER