Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Life-Empowering, Regenerative World where we All Thrive.
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Declaration of Commitment to Indigenous Peoples

Humanity faces a time in our evolving story when we must harvest our deepest collective wisdom in order to survive and even thrive as a healthy, peaceful, and sustainable planetary civilization.

In the course of humanity’s journey, we have many great achievements to celebrate and honor but we have to acknowledge what has been misguided, damaging to each other, and harmful to all life. It is time for healing and a new beginning.

Great skill is now needed to reconnect the bonds of our global interdependence on behalf of all of Earth’s diverse peoples and cultures and to restore an original contract with our planet’s eco-system and its intricate design for all life.

We cannot evolve skillfully at this vital juncture in our collective story if we fail to integrate the teachings of our wisdom keepers.

Both reason and conscience require that the precious wisdom of Earth’s Indigenous peoples be fully acknowledged. Their skillful ways of living in harmony with Nature and its laws have too often been marginalized and ignored.

Humanity has paid a great price for destructive actions committed against Indigenous peoples. In the name of religion, profit and progress, some of humanity’s greatest knowledge about the interrelationship of all life forms has been placed in jeopardy.

Increasing numbers of people now recognize the importance of supporting the transmission of this essential wisdom.

It is in this spirit of deep recognition and appreciation for the value of Indigenous wisdom that we hereby proclaim our commitment to the following:

Apology is due to Indigenous peoples for the suppression and violation of their cultures and ways of being, and for the unspeakable harm caused through the attempted genocide of Indigenous Peoples in the united states of America, clearly a crime against humanity. Acknowledging this truth will allow us to stand on a foundation of responsibility and reconciliation so that we may move forward into the future in peace. We invite communities, institutions, local authorities, and governments to formally and informally offer sincere apology for past actions that resulted in cultural oppression, denigration, and destruction.

Responsibility for past violations, discrimination, wounding, and harm must be expressed in truthful historical narratives and educational materials. We recommend the formation of local and national initiatives to take responsibility for the past and explore the nature of Indigenous wisdom. We encourage support for the production of a wide array of accessible media and curricular materials to set the record straight and ensure the accurate and appropriate transmission of Native wisdom teachings.

Reconciliation must be sought so that healing may occur between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. We call on representatives of public and private institutions to seek ways to engage in meaningful acts and processes of reconciliation through gatherings, presentations, restorative justice processes, and ceremony.

Collaboration in multiple contexts relating to health, environment, regenerative economies, and educational opportunities will constitute an essential dimension of expressing sincere apology, acknowledging responsibility, and fostering reconciliation. To these ends, we encourage collaboration with Indigenous communities and institutions to optimize our collective learning and healing in this pivotal time for all humanity.

We pledge our commitment to these ideals and the promotion of concrete actions to support respect for Indigenous peoples, a shared partnership for life on Earth, and the transmission of our collective wisdom. 

(Initiated by The Shift Network in 2012)

​We invite you to review and sign The Good Relations Pledge. 

Send your message of solidarity to the Indigenous Earth defenders of the Amazon here.

- Conscious Evolution Boston