Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Life-Empowering, Regenerative World where we All Thrive.
A Home of: Birth 2012 Boston

HomeMissionBackgroundAbout UsCalendarPeace RoomEvolutionary Hubs 
Articles/InspirationsResourcesDonationsBirth 2012 BostonContact Us

We invite all to share what you believe belongs in the Peace Room, particularly in (but not limited to) the Greater Boston area and Massachusetts and greater New England regions. 

We also invite you to:
- share your ideas on what is working
- share what your visions are to make the world a better place
- create collaborations
- form evolutionary hubs 

Please contact us


A Course In Miracles

Abbey of the Arts

Abraham Hicks


Adam Bauer


Affiliated New Thought Network

Agape International

AGNT Association for Global New Thought

A. H. Almaas

Aligning Energies with Cerridwen

Alisa Starkweather

American Friends Service Committee

American Tielhard Association  


Amrit Yoga Institute

Ananda Sangha

Ancestral Wisdom Bridge Foundation

Ancient Echoes

Ancient Sacred Ground

Andover Newton Theological School

Andrew Cohen

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Steed

Angel Therapy

Ani Colt

Anne Baring

Anne Novak Yoga and Healing

Anthroposophical Society in America
Anthroposophical Society in Greater Boston
Anthroposophy Worldwide

Aquarius Sanctuary

Arlington Yoga Center

Art of Healing Holistic Center

Arthur Findlay College

Ascension Mystery School


Awakening Mind

Back to Source

Bare Sole Yoga

Barre Center for Buddhist Studies


Be Here Now Network


Beth Osmer

Beyt Tikkun

Bhakti Center

Bill Pfeiffer

Bodhivastu Foundation for Enlightened Activity

Boston Center of Light

Boston Intuitive

Boston Meditates

Boston Old Path Sangha

Bradley Grove Hyson

Brahma Viharas Foundation
Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace
Brahma Kumaris in USA
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Click on this link to spin the Wheel of Virtues

Brahma Viharas

Buddha's Light International Association

Buddhist Quaker

Buddhistdoor Global

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC)

Cambridge Zen Center

Carolyn Baker

Cathy Pedevillano

Celebrant Foundation and Institute

Celestine Vision

Center at Westwoods

Center for the Story of the Universe

Center for Shamanic Studies

Center of Light - Boston

Center for Spiritual Living

Centers for Spiritual Living
Centers for Spiritual Living Diversity Inclusion Commission

Charles F. Haanel

Circle Way

Circles of Wisdom

Circle of Women International

Collective Presencing

Common Street Spiritual Center

Contemplative Life

Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries

Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions

Council for Spiritual Connection

Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS)


Dalai Lama

Dance of Energy

Dances of Universal Peace International
Dances of Universal Peace North America

David Bohm

Deepak Chopra

Derek Rydall

Devaa Haley Mitchell

Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra

Devorah Spilman

Dharma Seed

Dharma Wisdom

Divine Cosmos

Divine Healing

Divine Mystery

Do As One

Don Miguel Ruiz

Down to Earth

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Wayne Dyer 

Dream Change

Drunvalo Melchizedek School of Remembering

Eagle Skyfire

Earth Light

Earth Peoples United

Earth Sanctuary


East Coast Village

Eckhart Tolle

Embracing Emergence Christianity

Emissary Courses

Empowerment Partnership


Era of Peace

Espace de Silence

Essence Training

Evolutionary Collective

Evolutionary Leaders

Evolve and Lead

Evolve Together

Evolving Wisdom

Flowering of The Heart

Follen Church

Foundation for A Course In Miracles

Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Foundation for Inner Peace

Fractal Enlightenment

Fred Alan Wolf

Free Spirit Quests

Freedom Within

Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Full Spectrum Center for Spiritual Awakening

Gaia Mind


Global Mindshift

Global Peace Initiative of Women

Golden Age of Gaia

Good of the Whole

Govardhan Ecovillage

Grail Productions

Grateful Living


Greater Boston Buddhist Cultural Center

Greater Boston Center for Advanced Spiritual Healing and Training

Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism

Harvard Divinity School
Retreats and Quiet Places

Healing Essence Center

Heart at Purpose

Heart of the Dove Healing Emissary of Peace and Harmony

Heart Resonance

Hebrew College

Henry David Thoreau Zen Sangha 

Higher Perspectives

Highest Llighthouse

Holistic Life Foundation

Holmes Institute

Holographic Goddess

Hridaya Hermitage

Human Earth Awakening

Humanity in Unity

Humanity's Team
Active partners
Strategic partners

Indigo Window


Inner Peace and Wellness

Inner Space Meditation Center and Gallery

Insight Meditation Center

Insight Meditation Society

Insight Seminars

Institute for Sacred Activism

Institute of Advanced Theology

Integral Enlightenment

Integral Life

Integral Real

Interfaith Opportunities Network

Interfaith Youth Core

International Association for Religious Freedom

International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

International Institute for Spiritual Leadership

International New Thought Alliance

International Seminary for Interfaith Studies

Inward Bound Mindfulness Education



Jack Kornfield

James O'Dea

Jason Silva

Jason Taylor Morgan

Jean Houston

Jeff Carreira

Joan Borysenko

Joanna Macy

John Genyo Sprague

Joyous Woman

Julie M. Kramer

Julie Krull

Julie Woods - The Urban Bliss Shaman

Karen Paolino, The Miracle Messenger

Karen Tate

Kathryn Deputat

Keepers of the Rhythm

Kelle Sparta

Kindling Point

Kitchari Kirtan

Krishna Das

Law of Emergence

Lion's Roar

Living Buddha Nature

Living While Dying

Lone Bear


Louise Hay

Lucis Trust

Luminary Leadership

Lynne Mctaggart

Maharishi International University

Malidoma Patrice Somé

Manifest Nirvana
Manifest Nirvana Ashram

Manjushri Buddhist Community
Dharma Centers


Marianne Williamson

Marilyn Schlitz

Mark Borax - Soul Level Astrology

Mark Haughton

Mary Morrissey

Mary Reynolds Thompson

Mass Yoga Network

May All Be Peaceful

Medicine Tree

Middle Way Society


Mindful Living Center

Mirabai Devi Foundation

Miracles Magazine

Miranda Macpherson

Monastic Academy

Morning Sun


My Stroke of Insight

Nancy Garber

Nanri Studio

Natural Dharma Fellowship

New England Yoga

Newton Institute

Nine Star Ki

Northeast Sufi Circle

Northeast Sufis Calendar

On Being

One Becoming One

One Church; Unite the Tribes

One Mind Foundation

One Mind - One Energy

One Planet Peace Forum

One Spirit Learning Alliance

One Vibe Shamanic Healing Center

Oneness Massachusetts

Oneness University

Oracle girl


Orin and DaBen

Panache Desai

Parliament of The World's Religions

Parmarth Niketan

Peace Council

Peace Village

Peter Russell

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Plum Village

Pointing Out the Great Way

Presencing Institute

Pyramid Valley International

Quantum Jumping

Radical Discipleship

Rainbow of Being

Ram Dass

Ramtha School of Enlightenment

Red Wind Councils

Revised Reality

Ridhwan School

Rigpa Boston

Rimali Inc

Ritual Expressions 

Ritual Expressions Events

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Roots and Trails

Sacred Instructions

Sacred Spaces - Judy Royster

Sacred Travel Initiative

Sacred Waves of Rhythm

Sandra Ingerman


School of First Thought

School of Intuitive Studies

School of Lost Borders

School of the New Spirituality

Science and Nonduality

Science of Mind

Seeing with your Heart

Self Realization Fellowship

Seth Learning Center

Shakti Gawain

Shakti Mata

Shamans Directory

Shaman Smith

Shamanic Drumming

Shamanic Lightwork

Sharon Salzberg

Shri Anandamayi Ma Ashram and Temple

Sisters of St. Joseph U.S Federation
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston


Sonia Choquette

Soul Seeds

Soul Collage

Soulful Power


Sound Healer - Gandiva Lorcan
(857) 891-6846

Sounds True

Speak the Spark

Spiral Dynamics Integral

Spiral Energies

Spirit in Nature Pathways

Spirit Messages

Spiritual Ecology

Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual Leader University

Spirituality Sector facebook page

Spirituality and Practice

Star Teachings

Starseed Sanctuary

Stephanie Rutt

Stupa Of The Great Awakening

Sunray Peace Village

Sydney Goodwill

Talben Shahar

Temenos Retreat Center

Temple Forest Monastery

Terry Patten

The Association for Global New Thought

The Ayurvedic Institute

The Balancing Work

The Beloved Community

The Blooming Grove Studio Network

​The Boston Center for Contemplative Practice

The Bright Path

The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

The Center for Visionary Leadership

The Chopra Center
The Chopra Foundation

The Cocreative Feminine

The Concord Institute

The Contemplative Society

The Conversations with God Foundation

The Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama Foundation

The Forge Institute

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies

The Four Agreements

The Four Winds

The Harmony Project

The Healing Room

The Heart of The Healer Foundation

The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love

The Intenders of the Highest Good

The Intention Experimen

The International Institute for Visualization Research

The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing

The Joseph Communications

The Master Shift

The Mystery Experience

The Mystery School for a New Paradigm

The Network of Spiritual Progressives

The New England Peace Pagoda

The New Seminary

The Northeast Sufi Circle

The Peace Abbey

The Pluralism Project

The Practical Visionary

The Presence Process Portal

The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran

The Ruby Gateway

The Shalom Center

The Sophia Institute

The Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations

The Star House

The Temple of Understanding

The Trust Frequency
THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm

The Work of Byron Katie

Theosophical Society in Boston

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation

Thomas Berry

Thomas Huebl

Thomas John Celebrity Medium


Toltec Spirit

Touching the Stillness Ministries

Transformation Team

Tree of Life Interfaith Temple


Twin Flame Sacred Keys

Ubuntu; I Am Because We Are 

United Religions Initiative

Unity Earth

University of Holistic Theology

University of Metaphysics


Vipassana Meditation

Vision Alignment Project

Vistar Foundation

Wake Up! Works

Web of Love

Wendy Craig Purcell

Wendy De Rosa

Whispering Deer Meditation

Whole Being Institute

Wholistic Journeys

Wisdom Net

Word of Honor

World Congress of Faiths

World Goodwill

World Oneness Community

World Peace Prayer Society, NGO-affiliate of UN

World Service Intergroup

Worldwide Wisdom Directory

Yoga at the Ashram

Yoga Reaches Out

Zelda Hotaling

PEACE ROOM - Spirituality Sector

The Intention of the Peace Room is to track, map, and connect what is working, evolutionary, and emergent in the world - within the hub and twelve sectors of the Wheel of Co-creation , namely Infrastructure/Design, Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Arts, Economics, Education, Environment, Governance, Health that could help evolve ourselves, our greater communities, the world at large, and the emergent global culture of peace.

Scroll down for an ever-developing list of what is working and emergent in the 
Spirituality Sector. Go to the Peace Room page for lists of what is working and emergent in the hub and all twelve sectors.

Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard

The Peace Room "could scan for, map, connect, and communicate social innovations - 
that which is emerging, that which is creative, sustainable, compassionate, 
that which opens a greater possibility for humanity in every field." - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard
"We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace." - THE EARTH CHARTER